At four fifteen we rolled out
of bed, or more correctly, rolled off our paper thin mattresses, in the aim of
getting out by a quarter to five. Yoni was nowhere to be seen. He claimed that it was preferable to sleep on
a mat besides the sulphur pool, with its rotten egg stench, rather than have to put up with my snoring.
Indeed!! In any case, this hour was set after long and bitter negotiations,
pitting Mark, Garry and I against Yoni in a battle of wits that made the Abu
Mazen and Bibi show look like a lovers spat. In the end, four fifteen was a
compromise that, like all good compromises, made both sides feel like they'd
lost. I will go on record here and say that Yoni was basically right and it was
a good thing we didn't start any later.
Whilst the day turned out to
be far more successful than its predecessor, we were once again plagued with
logistical issues before our boots touched the trail. Without going into
long-winded detail, logistics prevented us from actually starting to walk until
after eight.
When we eventually started
walking, it proved to be not exactly the most exhilarating landscape we've been
through. We were even warned not to go this area; not because of the boredom,
but because it was a closed military area. There was a large sign at the
entrance to the trail that stated in no uncertain terms that this was an army
firing area and there was positively no entry. So it's not enough that the
shvil elders have had us drop down cliffs, ford running streams and climb flimsy
ladders so far on our 5 years on the shvil, now they're sending us through a
firing range. Terrific.
Today's route was a bit
strange. There were two amazing sections, Vardit canyon and Barak canyon and
two long, quite boring sections. The nachal Faran section was 8 uninspiring km.
Now I want to comment here on an interesting phenomenon. When the walking is long
and boring, the conversation is more interesting. When the hiking is
interesting (and usually difficult at the same time) there is far less
conversation. I guess our limited attention spans are too busy taking in the
beauty. Alternately, we can't spare what neurons we have for conversation when
they're too busy in self-preservation.
So over this long boring section there was much conversation about the
dwindling numbers of fore-mentioned neurons, failing memories, bespoke, and
things-that –are-said-on-the-shvil-stay-on- the-shvil. The conversation about
failing short-term memory made me particularly happy. The playing field had
finally been levelled and my friends were experiencing what has always been
regular for me.
Occasionally we'd look down or across the desert below and this only further enhanced the "wow" factor. Eventually we made it to the top, totally exhausted by the effort, but feeling satisfied that we'd done it. Garry wandered ahead a little as we rested. Suddenly we heard an exclamation along the lines of "oh shit". When Garry says "oh shit", we know we're in trouble.
We had gotten to the top of the vertical climb out of Vardit, but now we were being asked to walk up a very very steep hill. Howls of protest came to mind, but it wouldn't have helped. So, as a certain sporting goods company says…just do it. I thought it strange that other long hard uphill climbs had names; Ramon tooth, Akev point, Eli ascent to name but a few. This one was nameless, but just as hard. On more than one occasion on today's walk, Yoni and I would pathetically look at each other and gasp "we've gotta get into shape".
We had gotten to the top of the vertical climb out of Vardit, but now we were being asked to walk up a very very steep hill. Howls of protest came to mind, but it wouldn't have helped. So, as a certain sporting goods company says…just do it. I thought it strange that other long hard uphill climbs had names; Ramon tooth, Akev point, Eli ascent to name but a few. This one was nameless, but just as hard. On more than one occasion on today's walk, Yoni and I would pathetically look at each other and gasp "we've gotta get into shape".

The higher we got the more spectacular the
views became, until we reached the top, where we had a panorama over the
desert, the hills and into Jordan on the opposite side of the rift valley. It
was as striking as we've seen to date.
That was about the extent of
the good stuff for the moment. A beautiful, high walled desert canyon, a
vertical climb and then a gut-wrenching walk made for a pretty good hour and a
half. The next hour and a half was undulating rocky desert. At least nachal
Faran had been flat.
Mark found the energy to keep chatting, but it was mostly one sided, as the rest of us were too busy trying to get oxygen from our lungs to our heart and failing muscles to actually have a conversation. We knew that eventually we would get to the top of Barak Canyon and a few time thought we saw the path go towards a cliff, only for it to go past and onwards on the plateau. It actually wasn't that bad…there was a lovely breeze and whilst not scintillating, I've walked worse.
Mark found the energy to keep chatting, but it was mostly one sided, as the rest of us were too busy trying to get oxygen from our lungs to our heart and failing muscles to actually have a conversation. We knew that eventually we would get to the top of Barak Canyon and a few time thought we saw the path go towards a cliff, only for it to go past and onwards on the plateau. It actually wasn't that bad…there was a lovely breeze and whilst not scintillating, I've walked worse.
The path eventually came
around a bend and suddenly there was an amazing canyon below us. We could see
the path wind down the side of the mountain, disappear into the back of the
canyon and then continue on out of the canyon and into the valley. At some points the canyon appeared a few
metres wide, at others not even a metre, just a crack in the rock. We could
also see how and where it widens to a "regular" steep sided canyon
tens of metres across. All this from our birds-eye perch from above. After
walking the six kilometres that link the two canyons, this sight was quite
The walk down was pretty, as
we quickly dropped down from our view from above. The path wound its way along
the side of the canyon, but we couldn't see what was waiting for us. We knew
that in order to get onto the canyon itself we had to drop down some ladders,
similar to what we'd gone up, coming out of Vardit. Or so we thought. What we
hadn't been told was that this was actually the secret training camp of the IDF
gymnastics team, which readied itself for international competition against the
Marines, the French Foreign Legion and the Chinese Secret Police. If it wasn't
for our Tzahal, the Iranians would also compete. They're pretty good at hanging.
The first element was the
standard rungs. A simple training exercise where you are expected to climb down
a cliff face, backwards, with the aid of hand and foot rungs. For the most, the
rungs are in the right place, but you must be careful not to become
wrong-footed. The next set of rungs are for the advanced gymnast. The rungs are
not always where you might expect them to be and you have further to drop.
Once we have successfully
negotiated the rungs element, it's the ladders. First trick is actually getting
on to the ladders safely. You must, of course do this backwards, and this
entails dropping your body over the lip of the ledge in the hope that your feet
find the first step. The ladder is made of steel cable, meaning that when it's
attached closely to the cliff-face, it's reasonably stable. Occasionally, where
it is still attached to the cliff and the cliff actually slants inwards, it can
be difficult finding the next step. At some point the cliff slants too far
inwards and the ladder does what ladders do…continues down vertically, not
attached to the wall. The would-be gymnast now has to encounter a strange and
scary phenomenon called wobblization. True, we made this word up, but it aptly
describes the ladder's side-to-side rocking motion as we tried to descend. It's
bloody scary.
When we heard Garry upgrade
his exclamation from the earlier "oh shit" to "oh fuck", we
knew we were in for more trouble. It turned out that the main reason for going
down the first ladder, about 20 metres in length, was to prepare us for the
next ladder, which dropped down about 40 metres. Garry the Brave (and
relatively lithe) admitted that even he was scared. It wasn't just the length,
the reverse angle and the slippery metal which made it difficult, the
wobblization this time was backwards and forwards instead of sideways. Still, we made it down safely and are all
here to tell the tale.
Next, and last on the
gymnastics training drill was the ropes course. A thick hessian rope had been anchored
into the rock. It's purpose is it to help us balance ourselves whilst finding
steps hewn into the ledge that we were trying to descend.
Don't let our gymnastics
blind you from the fact that we were inside a beautiful crevice. It was
somewhat other-worldly. We could look forward and see the crevice wind on
through the rock.
After finishing all the
descents, we felt we deserved a good break. Finding a nice flat rock that
allowed us spectacular views down the canyon, we sat down and had lunch.
Occasionally we'd look back and up, not quite believing what we'd actually
After lunch, all that was
left was to walk down the canyon, which gradually opened up into a valley,
which eventually led to Yoni's waiting car. A simple, pleasant and very pretty
hour's walk. That's what my eyes and brain thought. The muscles in my legs had
a different opinion. They decided that they'd had enough and cramped up every
now and again. Have you ever had a cramp on the muscle that surrounds the
ankle? I didn't even know I had one there till it cramped. We arrived back to
Yoni's car with the feeling that we'd finally had a really good, proper day on
the shvil.

For once, we had some luck.
As we neared Yoni's car, the weather very quickly started to change. Up till
now it had been a pleasant autumn day with a cool breeze. Within ten minutes,
dark black clouds rolled in, the sky turned grey and almost to the minute of us
arriving to the car, it started raining. There is no fear in walking in the
rain in other areas, but in the desert, rain can easily be accompanied by flash
As we were driving out, a car
full of young kids stopped us and asked us if Barak canyon was worth a look.
Given that it was after two in the afternoon and raining, we admitted that it
was indeed beautiful but most definitely not recommended at this time. They
drove on, despite our warnings. We didn't hear about any disasters in the
Aravah region, so I assume they got out safely.
By the time we retrieved the
car parked at the beginning, it was getting late. There was no way we were going
to make it home for Shabbat dinner, but we still hurried to get back north.
It was great to finally be
back on the shvil. As always, it was a lot of fun, but the one undisputable
point that came from our first shvil episode for the season was that we spent
too much time mucking around with logistics and this was an unwanted and
unnecessary distraction. We'll do it differently next time.